I know there are lots of other places you could be right now, and I appreciate you spending some time with me. Beauty, books and life after 40 - that's what we'll be talking about over on my blog. That means product reviews, book recommendations, and lifestyle from the lens of, "Wow - so glad I know this now that I'm 40." My dog, husband, garden and home make frequent appearances, and you'll also find the beauty segments I create and present for the daytime talk show, Twin Cities Live. I've been their resident beauty enthusiast since 2012, and we have a lot of fun. I'll take you behind the scenes with stories and photos not seen on TV. I'd love to connect with you, so get into the comments on blog posts or click on those social icons up above and come say hello.
I threw myself a tea party, and it was fantastic. This was pre-COVD-19, when it was still an option to invite other people to my tea party. But I just really didn't want to. And damn it, if it wasn't fun and perfect and exactly what I wanted it to be. I sat in my living room, pouring myself tea and eating french fries, mini avocado toasts and a fancy cookie I bought at the grocery store. I kid you not, I literally felt a sense of calm come over me, which sounds like a tall order for mini avocado toasts to deliver on.